physical medium

fentanyl smoke

The Lost


As Ian and I were driving home last night after his veterinary shift, we made a short detour to grab a few items at a grocery store along the way. This market is in an area of town hit especially hard by homelessness and addiction; even driving through this merchant's lot is a harrowing experience, with panhandlers and those in the throws of narcotic abuse everywhere. We quickly purchased what we needed, then got back on the road.

Old woman

The Good

Spirit in the Antique Mall

While I was driving to the dealership to pick up a set of vehicle license plates which had just arrived (I purchased a car ten days ago), my phone screen displayed an incoming call from my husband, Ian. I used my virtual assistant to answer, Ian's voice projecting over the speaker. He was leaving an antique mall in town, and was anxious to share an encounter that happened only minutes earlier.

Stuffed Christmas bear with greet card, positioned on an office chair.

The Good

Spirit Object Levitation and Movement

I finally received eyewitness validation in regards to the spirit-influenced object levitation, movement and transportation we've been experiencing for over two years now. Documenting an account of complex object relocation is highly significant as a paranormal researcher. The witness is my husband, Ian, with whom I have full trust and confidence...

Jeep Peterson

The Good

I’m Here 3.0

Jeep has been moving this stuffed Christmas bear around the house as a signal to me that he is here (mostly in my office, but he has placed it on a stack of shelves in the living room, as well as atop the refrigerator, on different occasions). The bear is significant, as he would place it on the fireplace mantle when we'd put up decorations for the holiday when he was alive. He has been combining other objects with the bear in these messages, all moved by manipulating matter and energy.


The Good

Wormholes, Portals & Space and Time

Do wormholes, portals and parallel universes exist? It's a compelling theory, and one which has driven decades of research by theoretical physicists, including some of the most brilliant minds in existence, Like Michio Kaku. String theory is one such area of research, which speculates that the universe is made up of threads, or strings. Another variation on the parallel universe theory analyzes whether the multiverse is comprised of an infinite number of universes, as abundant as all of the grain o0f sands on earth, or bubbles within the ocean...

Haunted Apartment

The Lost

The Haunted Apartment

Early one day at about three o'clock in the morning, I woke suddenly with an eerie feeling that I was not alone. The apartment was dead quiet. As I tried to focus my eyes in the darkness, I could see a silhouette of a man sitting at my kitchen table, staring directly at me. He was completely solid, the skin along the side of his face nearest to the window catching the moonlight. His elbow was perched on the tabletop, chin resting on his palm. As my vision sharpened, I could see a glint of moonlight like silver on his eyes...

Spirit Orbs illustration by Trey Lindsey

The Good

Spirit Orbs

While driving with my husband through a historic coastal town along Puget Sound in western Washington, Ian unexpectedly made a comment which gave me pause: "I feel really strange right now." Unsure if he was referring to a medical issue which may require urgent attention, I asked for clarification. "It's not something physical—I just feel like there is something here that I can't explain. It feels very heavy in this spot. There's something here..."


The Good

Animal Spirits

Do animals have spirits? YES. All beings with the capacity for empathy and emotion have spirits, including animals...


The Good

“I’m Here” 2.0

My late husband Jeep has been making his presence known on a regular basis by moving a stuffed Christmas bear around in my office. This is a delightful way to let me know he's dropped by, and a visible message sent to me directly, since I cannot see him like Ian does. If he's visiting while Ian is here, they talk briefly and Jeep updates Ian on what he's been up to, as he continues to watch over loved ones in his spiritual body. I am fortunate to be one of those loved, and I feel that love whenever he is here!