
The Good

Death’s Gift

The spectre of Death for many is an idea which evokes terror and fear. In reality, Death is natural and organic, an instrument of God to cross over souls into the next realm. Death is just as much a part of human life as living itself.


The Good

Sage of Angels

On numerous occasions, the white sage smudge stick we keep on the altar has begun to spontaneously ignite and burn, filling the room with spiritually healing smoke, which in turn drifts through the rest of the house on its own. This has been my late husband, Jeep, cleansing our home, bodies and spirits, as well as removing any negative attachments which may have followed us home...


The Lost

The Suicide Man

GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING. Last night while I was working on another post for my blog, Ian came into the studio and told me he was uncomfortable in the bedroom where he was playing with our ferret, Bosley. He said there was the spirit of a dead man who suddenly appeared...


The Good

The Cherubim

In the early morning hours of July 30, I was visited by a cherubim in my sleep. In my dream, I was standing at the edge of a massive desert canyon, its depth obscured by darkness as the sheer rock walls descended beyond the range of sight. I was not alone—numerous people were milling about on my side of the chasm, marveling at the natural wonder just meters from our feet. There was chatter and conversation from the groups of individuals nearby, not unlike a visit to a popular tourist spot.


The Good

“I’m Here”

Tonight after I returned home from a shift of food deliveries, I noticed an "ugly" Christmas sweater Jeep (my late husband) used to wear for the holidays, draped over the back of my office chair. I immediately thought Ian had put it on there while doing some laundry or reorganizing, and asked him. He didn't know what I was talking about, so I pointed at the chair. The front of the sweater was perfectly centered on the back of the chair, fabric smoothed as if laid out to wear for the evening. "No," he replied. "Wasn't me."


The Unclean

Save Our Souls

GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING. In October of 2021, my husband and I purchased a home which had a demonic infestation. Only a handful of people know the details I am about to share, including our priest, close family and a couple of friends. I've referenced the final clearing and rebuke of the demon in a previous post, but have never gone into detail or shared the photographic evidence of the attacks until now. To be clear, this is a very heavy and terrifying story. It took almost three years to summon the will to relive the trauma, and this is the first time I've actually sat down and looked at the photos I've included in this writing. But this story must be told.


The Good


My first paranormal experience with Jeep happened when he suffered a sudden onset of acute pancreatitis while were in Mexico in 1997, and nearly died. He was brought back from the brink of death by three angels, who held vigil during the darkest moments...


The Good

Intersection of the Dead

After two weeks of waiting, Ian received his new eyeglasses today. He was so relieved to be able to see perfectly again, and excitedly showed off his stylish frames as he settled into the passenger seat of our car. We began the last leg of my delivery route, my husband relishing in his new and improved vision. After queuing a song from his playlist, which we Bluetooth through the car's speaker system, Ian spoke matter-of-factually: "I can see more dead people with my new glasses."


The Lost

Ghost in the Carport

Shortly after arriving home today from dropping my car off at the shop for necessary repairs, Ian alerted me that there was an intruder in the carport—he could see a man on our security system.


The Good

Spirit in the Road

On most occasions, it is Ian who sees the dead, and not me. I've had many experiences throughout my life when I have seen paranormal phenomena with my own eyes, whether they be shadows, entities or physical environmental manipulation from spirits. But this time, what I was seeing was completely solid and as real as any human being would be to you or me.