About Trey

I have been studying the paranormal for almost thirty years, beginning back in the mid-1990’s when I was nursing my partner back to health after a near fatal battle with acute pancreatitis. During these critical life-or-death hours, Jeep began telling me about three individuals who were standing vigil with him, never leaving his side. Not able to see them myself, I knew by the way he was describing them and the peace they brought him, that these were angels. After nearly 24 hours of fighting for his life, they left when he suddenly began to turn the tide, beginning a several month recovery process and a return to full health. As he was healing, I began a quest of my own: to learn more about this miraculous event, and the mysteries behind these angelic beings.

Fast forward to today, seven years after Jeep’s death from heart failure in 2017, I am living a life I never anticipated—a world where my husband of five years now, Ian, and I have one foot in the world of the living, and the other in a realm of the dead. Ian is a powerful physical medium, who’s ability to see and interact with the dead has become a bridge to the other side, and has helped facilitate phenomenal spiritual growth in our lives. Ian’s talent opened after his own death experience, when he was brought back to life by the hands of God following a three month battle with demonic entities infesting the house we had just purchased in western Washington. From that day on, Ian and I have embarked on a journey which most couples will never experience, and one in which we have become partners in the paranormal.

Ian’s ability to bridge the worlds of the living and the dead has also manifested significant closure for me after Jeep’s death, as Jeep’s spirit has become part of our lives, through Ian, and has helped shape and reinforce our spiritual beliefs through validation of many paranormal theories, while ushering a clearer understanding of LIFE after death on many levels. The reason I capitalize “LIFE” is because I have learned, through Ian’s talent, that our spiritual selves after death are truly LIVING in every way, freed from the limitations of our physical bodies. This life, for many spirits who are at peace with their passing, is one guided by purpose, love, caring and communication with other dead and the living who love them. But sadly, for some of those who have died in traumatic or sudden circumstances, or left this earth defined by the chains of addiction or self harm, the story can be much different, as I share in my writings.

The gift I have been given by God is one of discernment: to be able to tell the difference, without seeing with my physical eyes, based on Ian’s reactions and descriptions of the spirits he encounters, whether they are of a benevolent or malevolent nature, and to take appropriate actions accordingly. This gift was bestowed upon me during the battle with demonic forces that changed our lives forever. During that battle, the aftermath, and our spiritual growth which followed, I learned that Christ will always triumph over evil, and that the power of God’s love, and the might of angels and archangels He dispatches, are forces for good in our lives. This knowledge has created great peace in our lives, as well as has become a sword of defense in circumstances where we are faced with paranormal events of a darker nature, and lost souls who have embraced violence, anger and malevolence in death.

This blog is a chronicle of ongoing events and experiences in our lives, categorized as “The Good”, “The Lost” and “The Unclean”. These stories are a mixture of the beautiful and the terrifying, as our daily walk in faith guides us through ever-present events and encounters with the other side. By sharing these experiences with you, I hope to open doors of enlightenment, strength, courage, peace and love, for that is what Ian and I share together in our lives. It’s all about LOVE, for each other and God’s love and protection for us. There is nothing more powerful in every moment we share…in this life and beyond!