My late husband Jeep has been moving this stuffed Christmas bear around the house as a signal to me that he is here (mostly in my office, but he has placed it on a stack of shelves in the living room, as well as atop the refrigerator, on different occasions). The bear is significant, as he would place it on the fireplace mantle when we’d put up decorations for the holiday when he was alive. He has been combining other objects with the bear in these messages, all moved by manipulating matter and energy.
January 26, 2025
Ian and I were getting ready for mass on Sunday morning, when I found this display on my office chair. The Christmas bear, with Jeep’s digital camera in its lap and strapped around its shoulder. He adds these amazing details and personal touches to his messages…

January 20, 2025
Jeep placed the bear and a blessed palm frond cross from Palm Sunday mass on my chair tonight.

January 13, 2025
I spent the day working on some writing, research and errands; it was not an unusual or different day than any other. When I returned home after picking up Ian from work at eight o’clock in the evening, I found this display from Jeep on my office chair (in the photo below, he placed one of his favorite watches around the right wrist of the bear, both resting on a selenite wand, which is a crystal used for clearing spiritual fields and promoting positive energy):

January 12, 2025
When Ian and I returned home from Sunday mass, the still life below was arranged on my office chair. As mentioned above, I immediately knew Jeep was here, and had Ian open his abilities to see where he was in the house. After a quick scan, Ian located Jeep: he was laying on the bed in the bedroom resting with our dog Louie (who passed away three years after my husband). Louie and Jeep were extremely close, and both died the same way, from congestive heart failure. Now they are together and inseparable in spirit form, as they were in life.

My red terrycloth robe was in the wash, with the belt laying on the office chair when we left (Jeep and I were gifted our robes from my brother and sister-in-law many years ago when we lived in Texas). Jeep wrapped the belt in an elegant fashion around the bear. The lacquered box between the bear’s feet is a music box, where Jeep kept his autograph from Ella Fitzgerald; they met at a club back in the 1980’s, and Ella signed a piece of the drink menu which Jeep tore off when she approached his table.

Both Jeep and I love blues, and Ella is one of the greatest blues singers of all time. I value this autograph as much as my husband does (although I wish I had the pleasure of meeting her myself; but that honor belongs to Jeep, and is a memory that he still cherishes to this day).
Spirits have the ability to move objects, and can also take objects from our dimension into the spiritual plane. This we have witnessed first had. Jeep loves to read, and was keenly interested in novels written about the American deep south, where he grew up, when he was alive. He also has a thirst for knowledge. He was well educated, and continued to expand his intellectual acumen at every opportunity. Three examples of material Jeep has brought with him to our house (which I’ve mentioned in a previous bog, but am including here as well) were: Gray’s Anatomy; an issue of Time magazine from 2008 (with Obama on the cover), as well as a novel set in the deep south, “The Rosewood Casket” by Sharon McCrumb. These he was reading while relaxing in our home, and which Ian described in perfect detail. These are verifiable facts, and ones which Ian did not know about before Jeep shared them with him. As Ian can see what I cannot, I ask him questions and he talks with Jeep—and Jeep shows him the covers so that he can describe them to me. I then look them up, and sure enough, I receive real world validation.
This is truly extraordinary. Through Ian and his ability to see and communicate with the dead—and with the assistance of my late husband Jeep’s continued presence and interactions with us—I am able to formulate a very complex and sophisticated theory of the afterlife, one which transcends time and space and enters heavily into the realm of advanced theoretical physics, and beyond.
I am so very grateful for my husband, Ian, and his amazing gift. And I am thankful for my late husband, Jeep, and his continued involvement in my life, and the spiritual revelations and comfort he has brought into my world. I am in a very unique place in life, where I am consistently shown how relevant this life and the next are in the great scheme of things, and how intertwined both dimensions are in this reality. I am living theoretical physics every day, and experiencing unexplained phenomena which are significant and profound. There is no fear…only love. Not a bad place to be.