The Good

Intersection of the Dead

After two weeks of waiting, Ian received his new eyeglasses today. He was so relieved to be able to see perfectly again, and excitedly showed off his stylish frames as he settled into the passenger seat of our car. We began the last leg of my delivery route, my husband relishing in his new and improved vision.

As we were heading toward a customer’s address with a food order, we stopped at an intersection near the freeway off ramp. Hints of fog could be seen far in the distance, while closer to our position the night air was crisp and clear. The streets were clean and pristine from the prior night’s rain storm, which had washed away any debris and darkened the asphalt, contrasting the road from the brilliant glow of the streetlights above.

After queuing a song from his playlist, which we Bluetooth through the car’s speaker system, Ian spoke matter-of-factually: “I can see more dead people with my new glasses.”

We were stopped at a red light, so I turned and asked him to clarify.

“There are lots of dead around us,” he said. With a finger, Ian pointed to the concrete platform at the base of a light to our right, which tapered into a crosswalk access. “There’s a woman standing right there, and she’s all covered with moisture—like she’s wet.” He then pointed into the intersection, where cross traffic blurred through. “And there’s a spirit in the middle of the road ahead, just standing there. Cars are passing through him.”

These types of discussions are a regular one for us as we drive together. I also learn something new about the afterlife with each experience. In this case, I found that Ian actually sees spirits with his physical eyes, and not strictly through a “third eye” process or via a spiritual vision. This is the same when Ian sees spirits or entities on film, video or in photographs. He picks up on a different spectrum than most individuals, where the paranormal and physical realm overlap and become one. The presence of the dead and other entities leaves an imprint on our dimension, which remains ever-present—even in moments captured on film. I’ve often wondered about this; tonight’s lesson was directly tied to the improved vision from his prescription lenses, which helped him to see details he was previously lacking.

Driving with Ian definitely makes for an interesting shift as a delivery professional! 😉 I cherish these times, and grow intellectually, spiritually and romantically as a result.