When we were waged in a battle between good and evil in the house we purchased in 2021, part of the rebuke of the demon which infested the home included a consecration of the house and property to God. I did this with Holy Water, Holy Oil, blessed and exorcised salt, and blessed Saint Benedict and Saint Michael the Archangel medals. For the house, I made the sign of the cross with Holy Oil on every wall, door, window and frame throughout the home, both inside and out; made the sign of the cross with Holy Water in the same fashion; sprinkled blessed and exorcised salt in every room, corner, closet, cabinet, window frame and doorway. For the land, I buried the blessed medals, combined with exorcised salt, Holy Oil and drops of Holy Water, at the four corners of the property, then walked the perimeter while sprinkling both Holy Water and exorcised salt to create a spiritual “wall”. Exorcised salt and Holy Water were then deposited in the center of both the back and front yards. Our priest, Father Jim, also came afterwards and blessed the home and land, as well as all of the life within it.
During this ritual, I recited the following words for the house itself (both house and land consecration text is provided by the Cukierski Family):
“In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, God the Father, through Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Who shed His Blood on the Cross to save us, I consecrate my home to you. It is Yours. Use it as You will for the safety of Your people. I consecrate my home to You, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to be under the wings of the Holy Spirit for the time of purification.”
And for the land, these words:
“In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, God the Father, through Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Who shed His Blood on the Cross to save us, I consecrate my land to you. It is Yours. Use it as You will for the safety of Your people. I consecrate my land to You, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to be under the wings of the Holy Spirit for the time of purification.”
Our land no longer belongs to us, but to God. It is given to Him, for the protection of His people, Ian and myself. Our home is a Holy place, and God has continued to keep us safe by dispatching angels to stand guard throughout our land. We learned this from Jeep, my late husband, during a recent conversation he had with Ian. He told us that angels were sent to watch over our house at all times, protecting us from evil. They are always here, guarding us. They are welcomed and appreciated!
After the exorcism of the demonic infestation, we have adopted a daily house blessing ritual to help preserve positive energy within the property, as well as to heal the layers of trauma left in the walls of the structure from years, if not decades, of an evil presence (houses and land record traumatic events or intense emotions like the magnetic tape in a cassette recorder; sometimes this is played back in the form of a residual haunting, where an event repeats in a never-ending loop like a movie on tape…). We walk through the house with burning sage, followed with the smoke of frankincense and myrrh, combined with positive affirmations and prayers. The burning of sage is also used to force out unwanted spirits (we actually did this two nights ago with the presence of a suicide man who appeared in our home), and to clear intense emotions, stress or anxiety brought into the home from the outside world and the events which negatively affect us. “Only peace, love and light are welcome here; all negativity must go” is repeated while burning the sage.
For the incense blessing, I recite the Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary and Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel:
Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners. Now and at the hour of our death. Amen
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, oh Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen
On numerous occasions, the white sage smudge stick we keep on the altar has begun to spontaneously ignite and burn, filling the room with spiritually healing smoke, which in turn drifts through the rest of the house on its own. This has been my late husband, Jeep, cleansing our home, bodies and spirits, as well as removing any negative attachments which may have followed us home. Jeep, in death, has become my guardian angel. After our priest performed last rights, Jeep underwent a transformation—he unfurled huge wings of glowing white once his spirit was freed, and has since been wrapping up things left undone when he was alive. His use of sage to purify our home and spirits is a truly loving and welcome gift. It brings me comfort and peace, as well as announces Jeep’s arrival in a way that I can see and feel, since I do not share Ian’s ability to see the dead.
A few nights ago, while Ian and I were decompressing after a rather intense day of work, we jumped suddenly when the smoke alarm in the hallway went off. My studio was clouded with smoke from the sage, which had lit while we were in the next room, the smoke drifting out and into the hallway and living room beyond where we were sitting. Startled, we leaped out of our recliners and batted away the smoke from around the alarm to silence the high-pitched beeping. I walked over to the altar to see the tip of the sage smudge stick smouldering with abating embers fading from orange to black, as the burning began to cease. Jeep didn’t stay that time, but just came long enough to sage the home and make sure we were both doing well.
And just last night, as we had finished dinner, I was getting ready to take my empty plate into the kitchen when I smelled sage and saw clouds of healing smoke begin to drift through the open studio door and into the hall. As I approached the doorway, I was greeted with one of the stuffed Christmas bears Jeep and I used to set out every holiday season sitting on top of Zeus’ habitat (our Asian Forest Scorpion), posed with it’s arm resting on the swing-arm lamp which illuminates the terrarium. This was a playful and comforting way for Jeep to message me directly that he was here. Again, he did not stay, but his presence was most definitely felt and appreciated.

The bond between Jeep and me is natural and organic, born through love. I believe that all of us who live honorable lives have a choice when we die of whether to cross over into Heaven, and to remain there, or to keep a foot in both worlds, Heaven and earth. Jeep is watching over his loved ones, and has become my angel. He moves freely between realms in his spiritual form. He has learned how to direct matter and energy, which is an amazing affirmation of the afterlife. He also is driven entirely by love, which is the secret of the universe. I have always said that whoever has love in their life, has everything. It is a gift beyond measure, and something—along with the essence of who we are as spiritual beings within our human bodies—we take with us when we die.
This is all part of our daily lives, and the continuing processes employed to cleanse, heal and protect our spirits, bodies, home and land. We will burn sage, incense, reaffirm and pray each day, for the rest of our lives. It has become part of who we are, and our spiritual due diligence. And with each ritual performed, another layer of trauma and negativity is removed and banished, forever.