My late husband Jeep has been making his presence known on a regular basis by moving a stuffed Christmas bear around in my office. This is a delightful way to let me know he’s dropped by, and a visible message sent to me directly, since I cannot see him like Ian does. If he’s visiting while Ian is here, they talk briefly and Jeep updates Ian on what he’s been up to, as he continues to watch over loved ones in his spiritual body. I am fortunate to be one of those loved, and I feel that love whenever he is here!
This past Saturday night, I came home from my delivery shift to a very pleasant and moving surprise on my office chair. Jeep had placed the Christmas bear on the cushion, along with a Bible, a music box which contains his Ella Fitzgerald autograph, and a bouquet of dried roses from a Valentine’s Day gift Ian gave me a couple years ago. They were neatly arranged in a display of love for me, and reverence to our Lord.

I was having a rough end to the evening’s shift, as my car’s engine began to have serious issues and the check engine light illuminated on the dashboard. I wasn’t sure if I was going to make the final delivery, but did, and then called Ian to have him on the line with me in case something drastic happened and I became stranded on the way home. As I neared our driveway, Ian hinted of a surprise waiting for me before I hung up. I was pretty blown away at the still life Jeep had put together for me. It was all the more significant because I am in the process of losing a very dear friend of over forty years from cancer—this display of love and thoughtfulness went a long way in bringing some much-needed joy and warmth to my heart.
Ian allowed Jeep to use some of his energy for the movement of the objects. To relocate objects like this is highly energy intensive for a spirit. In this case, the message was one of love, caring and dedication. Each component in Jeep’s manifestation has deep emotional and spiritual significance to me, put together in a gift of support. I needed this at that particular moment! Both of my husbands worked together to share their love for me: Ian by using his abilities as a physical medium to allow Jeep to tap his energy in order to affect our environment and the objects within it; and Jeep in a show of caring and reassurance that I could physically see and feel. I kissed each of the objects in gratitude and appreciation as I returned them to their places around my studio (hugging the bear tightly, as every stuffed bear should be hugged!).
And just this morning, two days later, I awoke to find the Christmas bear back on my studio chair, sending another message from Jeep. “I’m here!”
Thank you, Jeep. And thank you, Ian, for so much love you have brought into my world. I am a very lucky man indeed.